SciCafe: Apalachicola Bay Systems Initiative Update With Sandra Brooke
July 28, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Apalachicola Bay’s oyster industry thrived for over a century. In 2012 the fishery collapsed. Several restoration efforts have been implemented, but populations have not recovered. In 2019, Florida State University was awarded funding for the Apalachicola Bay System Initiative (ABSI) by Triumph Gulf Coast with the goal of gaining insight into the causes of the oyster population demise, understand why the system is not recovering, and identify potential pathways to a healthy Bay ecosystem and oyster fishery. Project lead Dr. Sandra Brooke will give an update on the progress of the Initiative, describing what has been done so far, what will occur in the upcoming year, who is involved, and how to stay up to date on the project. To register for the virtual workshop go to https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7110525628484578317.