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Sci-Cafe Investigating Hydrologic Alteration as a Driver of Shifting Forest Species Composition in the Apalachicola River Floodplain

July 25, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

River floodplains and the vegetation within provide critical services such as water filtration and nutrient balancing, flood mitigation, habitat, raw materials, food, and recreation. Globally, many rivers have experienced alterations to their natural flows which affects vegetation species distributions throughout floodplains and the services they provide. Our speaker, John Tracy, has spent the last four years investigating how trees around the Apalachicola River have responded to changes in flood patterns and how their regenerative strategies explain observed changes in forest types which have ecological implications within the floodplain and downstream in the bay. John is a member of the multi-disciplined team organized by the Apalachicola Riverkeeper to restore floodplain connectivity around the Apalachicola River. He will receive his PhD in ecological restoration from the University of Florida in August, and he now works as a research associate at Louisiana State University studying species composition dynamics within the lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley.

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