Adopt-a-Nest 2025
You can adopt a sea turtle nest on St. George Island for the 2025 nesting season! Your contribution helps the Friends of the Reserve meet the current needs of our sea turtle program which conducts daily beach patrols for nest monitoring, evaluations on hatch success, and provides care for hatchlings until they can be released.
Nest adoption means you are an honorary sea turtle parent! The adoption includes:
- A personalized adoption certificate mailed to you with a custom sticker given only to adopters.
- The location and a photo of your nest will be sent via email.
- An end-of-the-season summary of how the island nests did during 2025.
Nesting typically begins around mid-May, so it might be June or July before your sponsored nest is assigned.
Please keep in mind that you may not see your sponsored nest in person. High tide and storm events sometimes wash nests away, and sometimes predators can destroy nests despite our efforts. Thank you for understanding that these events are out of our control.
Friends of the Reserve is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization, so your donation is tax deductable!